
The BootyJive rocks the A-Trane!


Truly galactic sold-out show with the BootyJive at the A-Trane last friday. Check some footage here:

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Mo'Blow meets harp!


Mo'Blow will be back at the Quasimodo on March 21st! We will be joined onstage by harp virtuoso Kacper Smolinski - check out this clip of his playing:

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"American Swing" at White Trash Berlin


It was a pleasure to play with Ulrike Haller (voc), Lionel Haas (p) and my man Yatziv Caspi (dr) at the White Trash on sunday. Funny - I always wanted to play the White Trash, I just never thought it would be with a jazz band !

Anyway, our next "American Swing"show there will be on April 19th.

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